Information for Authors

STAGE 1: Preparing Your Full Paper

The official language is English.
One paper must have a maximum of six (6) authors.
The papers must be presented in PDF maximum length is six (6) pages per article including illustrations and references following the IEEE
format for conferences, available at:

Microsoft Word
  • US letter (DOC, 30 KB) Updated Jan 2019
  • A4 (DOC, 30 KB) Updated Jan 2019

LaTeX Template Instructions (PDF, 63 KB) [Be sure to use the template's  conference  mode.]

STAGE 2: Submiting Your Full Paper

Full papers must be submitted using the EasyChair System by accessing the following link:
All full papers submissions will be evaluated in a blind peer review process.

STAGE 3: Preparing the Camera-Ready Version of Your Paper

If your full paper is ACCEPTED, you will receive an email notification including the comments and observations from reviewers. Please address them carefully when preparing the camera-ready version of your paper.
IEEE provides tools to ensure that technical papers are IEEE formatted properly for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. In this way, we require you to convert your paper(s) from their source application formats to IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDFs. But first, there's a requirement of placing the appropriate COPYRIGHT NOTICE at the bottom of the first page of your paper. Please, be sure to follow these important instructions (ATTACHED: Click Here.), otherwise your paper will be EXCLUDED from the conference proceedings.
Please SUBMIT your camera ready manuscript by entering your EASYCHAIR account for 2025 ICACIT Symposium and using the "Proceedings author (IEEE proceedings)" role instead of the "author" role.

Important Information:

Be sure of coherent spelling of authors' names trough all your papers if you have more than one.
Page numbers must be excluded from the footer line of your paper.
Strictly respect the IEEE Conference Template, don't forget to add the authors' names, be careful with the authors' sequence – once published, IEEE won't make any changes!

STAGE 4: Completing Your Author Registration

Please READ CAREFULLY and FOLLOW the instructions provided at the following link:

STAGE 5: Conducting Your Oral Presentation

An author or at least one of the co-authors must be previously registered at the event in order to present their paper during the symposium sessions.
Authors must submit their camera-ready version of their paper. Otherwise, they will not be considered for oral presentations and will be excluded from this call.
The presentation of the camera-ready version and the oral presentation are mandatory to consider your article for publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

STAGE 6: Publication and Indexing

All papers in English accepted and presented orally at ICACIT Symposium 2025 will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for publication to the IEEE Xplore®. Content of IEEE Xplore® is made available to its abstracting and indexing partners, Scopus, for potential inclusion in their respective databases.

Publication in IEEE Xplore 2017:
Publication in IEEE Xplore 2019:
Publication in IEEE Xplore 2020:
Publication in IEEE Xplore 2021:
Publication in IEEE Xplore 2022:
Publication in IEEE Xplore 2023:
Publication in IEEE Xplore 2024:

ICACIT, the accrediting agency specialized in Computing, Engineering, Technology in Engineering, Science and Architecture programs, has 21 years promoting continuous improvement of educational quality in higher education programs, it is the first Latin American agency to signatory of the Washington Accordand a member of the European Network for Accreditation in Engineering Education - ENAEE, accords that bring together the most prestigious engineering accreditation agencies in the world.

© ICACIT Symposium 2025