11th ICACIT Symposium 2025

(Hybrid Mode)

15 to 17 October | Chiclayo, Peru

About 11th ICACIT Symposium

The 11th International Symposium on Accreditation of Engineering and Computing Education - ICACIT is the most important educational quality and accreditation event in Latin America. A space to share knowledge and experiences in accreditation, education, and continuous quality improvement among professionals from academia, industry and government.
The event will be held in Hybrid modality.

Call For Papers

The accepted and presented papers will be sent to IEEExplore and indexed by Scopus.

Important Dates

More information for Authors:
Date: Activity:
15 June, 2025 Full paper submission
15 August, 2025 Acceptance notification
15 september, 2025 Camera-ready submission
15 september, 2025 Authors Registration
15 to 17 October, 2025 Oral presentations

Keynote speaker

PhD. Edmundo Tovar

PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá

PhD. Edmundo Tovar

PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez

PhD. Sandro Paz Collado

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Venue of the event

Universidad Señor de Sipán (Km 5 Carretera a Pimentel Chiclayo, Perú)

Education Society
Technical Sponsor

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Academic and Local Sponsor

Organized by


Society education
[Technical sponsor]

University Lord of Sipán

Education Society
Technical Sponsor

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Academic and Local Sponsor

Room: Nubeflex

08:30 - 12:30
Registration of Registrants and delivery of materials

09:00 - 10:00

Salon: RGD_106-7

Salon: RGD_112-13

Salon: RGD_110-11

08:30 - 12:30
Registration of Participants and Delivery of Materials

09:00 - 09:15

09:15 - 09:30
Opening of the ICACIT 2024 Symposium (Auditorio Lleras)

09:30 - 09:45
Keynote Lecture No. 1
“Augmented Intelligence for Engineering Education”
Ph.D. Rubby Casallas Gutierrez
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de los Andes de Colombia

10:00 - 10:15
Analysis of Student Facial Reactions During Classroom Instruction
Andi Hutami Endang
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

10:15 - 10:30
Enhancing Student Retention: Action Research on First-Year Pedagogical Strategies
Cristina Dreifuss-Serrano
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
Coordinador general de acreditación y mejora continua de la Facultad de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

10:30 - 10:45
Key competencies for industry 5.0 in undergraduate engineering students
Einstein Sánchez Bardales
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

10:45 - 11:00
Visual and External Auditory in Information Retention
Javier Hugo Morán Ruiz
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:00 - 11:15
Coffe Break
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:15 - 11:30
Prediction of Labor Insertion in Graduates based on the Pre-Professional Internship Process through a supervised Machine Learning model
Maria Gabriela Camborda Zamudio
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:30 - 11:45
Machine Learning model for predicting the achievement of the Graduate Profile through academic performance in university students
Maglioni Arana Caparachin
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:45 - 12:00
Relationship between internal communication and resistance to change in the teaching staff of an educational company
Gisselle Katherine Valencia Cervantes
Workshop N°1
“Implementing a Quality Assurance System based on International Accreditations”
PhD. Sandro Paz Collado
General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exhibición de Autoestudios

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00
Keynote Lecture No. 2
“Sustainability experiences of continuous improvement processes Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile”
PhD. Isabel Hilliger
Universidad Católica de Chile
(Salon: RGD_106-7)

13:00 - 15:00
Free time for lunch

15:00 - 15:15
Learning chemistry through controversy? Reading discrepant perspectives to promote comprehension, multiple text integration, and epistemic emotions in freshmen engineering students
María Felipa Cañas Cano
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

15:15 - 15:30
Internship Performance of Chemical Engineering Students in Cusco, Peru
Uriel Raul Fernandez Bernaola
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

15:30 - 15:45
Educational model to develop work skills in students at a higher education institute in Lima, Peru
Katherine Paola Ramirez Arias
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

15:45 - 16:00
Ethical challenges in the teaching of specialized subjects in the training of industrial engineers
Juan Lara Herrera
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:00 - 16:15
Social dimension of the evaluative culture of learning and student satisfaction
Jeniffer Doris Garcia Chauca
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:15 - 16:30
Impact of Aneaes Accreditations on the Continuous Improvement of the Production Systems Engineering Program at the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of Asunción
Zulma Lucia Demattei Ortiz
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:30 - 16:45
Automated Prototype for Demonstrating the Properties of Gases in Natural Science Laboratories
Adolfo Duarte Rueda
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:45 - 17:00
Characteristics of University Happiness Conditions and Academic Performance: A Case Study of a University in Arequipa, Peru
Marjorie Agueda Calcina Cateriano
Workshop N°2
Design of improvement plans in engineering programs

PhD. Isabel Hilliger
“Deputy Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Quality of the School of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile”
Exhibición de Autoestudios

17:00 - 17:30

17:30 - 18:00
Panel: Challenges in the Training of Engineers 5.0
Towards the training of engineers for industry 5.0
(Auditorio Lleras)

1. Ph.D. Carlos Francisco Rodríguez, Universidad de los Andes de Colombia.
2. Ph.D. Alvaro Orjuela Cañón, IEEE Colombia Section Chair.
3. Ph.D. Edmundo Tovar, IEEE Education Society.
4. Ph.D. Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.
5. Ph.D. César Beltrán Castañon, IEEE Peru Section Chair.
6. PhD. Sandro Paz Collado, General coordinator of accreditation and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Salon: RGD_106-7

Salon: RGD_112-13

Salon: RGD_110-11

08:30 - 12:30
Registration of Participants and Delivery of Materials

09:00 - 09:15
Assessing soft skills development in informatics students through project-based learning and Agile frameworks
Vanessa Maribel Choque Soto
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

09:15 - 09:30
The PBL Methodology in a hybrid class in an integrative Systems Engineering course
Isabel C. Barragan Arias
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

09:30 - 09:45
CS2023 Curricula Guidelines and Computer Science Accreditation
Michael Oudshoorn
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

09:45 - 10:00
Impact of ANEAES Accreditation on the Computer Engineering Program at Universidad Americana
José Luis Vázquez Noguera
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

10:00 - 10:15
The Deployment of Virtualized Operating Systems to Reveal Network Vulnerabilities for Classroom Setting
Miguel Bustamante
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

10:15 - 10:30
Cloud Computing: Exploring the Digital Frontier for the Academic Environment
Miguel Bustamante
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

10:30 - 10:45
The influence of AI apps on enhancing mathematics learning among primary education students
Neicer Campos Vásquez
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

10:45 - 11:00
Implementation of a Curricular Management Support Tool for the Quality Systems of the Engineering Programs at Uniandes.
Camila Botero Saffon
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:00 - 11:15
Coffe Break
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:15 - 11:30
Educational Software for Learning Load Profile in Residential Supplies
Joel Contreras Núñez
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:30 - 11:45
Gamified and Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Knowledge Base in a Social Platform for Self-Learning in Higher Education
Jordán Darwin Blancas Sánchez
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

11:45 - 12:00
AI Ethics in the Fields of Education and Research: A Systematic Literature Review
William Mauricio Rojas Contreras
Visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering
Universidad de los Andes, de Colombia
Exhibición de Autoestudios

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00
Keynote Lecture No. 3
Sample of Teaching Support Developments
(Gloria Cortés, Carola Hernandez, Carlos F, Rodríguez)
Development Group - Didacta and Faculty of Engineering at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

(Salon: RGD_106 - 7)

13:00 - 15:00
Free time for lunch

15:00 - 15:15
Intelligent computational architecture for improving the quality of higher education
Jorge Omar Portilla Jaimes
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

15:15 - 15:30
Selection of the best AI educational tool applied to university-level teaching and learning process using the AHP Methodology
Antony De La Cruz Vasquez
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

15:30 - 15:45
How to improve Graduates Attributes with Virtual Reality: A case of study in Industrial Engineering
Henry Gomez Urquizo
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

15:45 - 16:00
Augmented reality to support the teaching-learning process in computer graphics
Liz Sofia Raymunda Pedro Huaman
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:00 - 16:15
Comparative analysis of student desertion in Electronic Engineering at UPTC and UdeC between 2015 and 2018
Ilber Adonayt Ruge Ruge
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:15 - 16:30
BITA: The First Female Robotics Intercollegiate Championship to foster STEM attitudes and skills
Sandra Milena Merchán Rubiano
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:30 - 16:45
Relation between learning styles and academic performance: a study in peruvian health students in the context of digital transformation
Miguel Mogollón Almidón
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

16:45 - 17:00
Artificial Intelligence Model for the Improvement of the Quality of Education at the National University of Central Peru, Huancayo 2024
Kevin Paul Taype Soriano
Workshop N°3
“Quality measurements and performance evaluation of teamwork”
PhD. Carlos F. Rodríguez
Academic Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in the University de los Andes, Colombia.
Exhibición de Autoestudios

17:00 - 17:30
Keynote Lecture No. 4
PhD. Edmundo Tovar
“Trends in the comprehensive training of Engineers 5.0”
(Auditorio Lleras)

17:30 - 18:00
Closing of the ICACIT 2024 Symposium
(Auditorio Lleras)

Symposium Registration

Registration fees of the Symposium (Currency: US Dollars)





ICACIT System Members (*)

USD 300.00

USD 400.00

USD 500.00

IEEE Members

USD 300.00

USD 400.00

USD 500.00


USD 400.00

USD 500.00

USD 600.00

30% Additional Discount for Paper Reviewers

Registration fees allows the enrollee:

  • Publish a paper, for each additional paper the cost is USD 150.00. (a maximum of 2 papers can be published per author)
  • Event kit
  • Admission to all conferences of the event.
  • Networking meetings.
(*) Applies to professionals who work at member institutions of the ICACIT System in 2023.

Registration Process

    1. Option 01: Wire transfer
      Bank: Banco de Crédito del Perú
      Account Holder: ICACIT
      Currency: USD
      Account Number: 194-1616149-1-46
      Interbank Account Code (CCI):
      Bank Address: Calle Centenario 156, La Molina, Lima, Perú
      Telephone number of the bank: (+51 01) 433 5803 Annex 96257
    2. Option 02: Request payment gateway with credit card.
      We accept all types of credit cards.
      Request access for online payment for registration to the ICACIT 2022 Symposium at [email protected] indicating the following information.
      MAIL SUBJECT: Payment request with Credit Card + Name and Surname. with the following information of the participants.
      - Full name and surname:
      - No. Identity document / Passport No.:
      - Number of participants to register:
      - Institution to which it belongs:
      - Position:
      - Country:
  2. Send evidence of Payment (Participant):
    Send the voucher or evidence of payment to the email [email protected] with the following information of the participant (s):
    - Full names and surnames:
    - ID number:
    - Institution to which it belongs:
    - Country:
    - Position:
    - Email:
    - Mobile:
    If you require an Invoice, you must provide the following information: Corporate Name, RUC and Address, to generate the receipt.
  3. Confirmation of registration (ICACIT).
    ICACIT will contact the person (s) confirming their registration by replying to the payment email.
(*) Deadline for the registration of AUTHORS: October 15, 2023

Registration Requirements for paper Submission

An author or at least one of the co-authors must be previously registered in the event in order to present their work in the symposium sessions. Authors must send its final version of their paper. Otherwise, they’ll not be considered for the oral presentations and will be out of this call for papers. The submission of the final version and the oral presentation are mandatory for publication of your paper in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. One paper must have a maximum of 04 authors.

Cancellation / Sustitution Policies

A refund is possible if requested until September 30, 2023, an application must be sent to the Conference Chair (Jimmy Túllume Salazar) and sent to the e-mail [email protected], indicating the reasons, if accepted the Cancellation fee of US $ 50.00 will be deducted from the registration fee paid. There will be no refunds for applications received after this date. If an author has uploaded a paper using their payment, the payment will not be reimbursed, even if the paper is withdrawn.

Substitutions for those registered will be processed until September 30, 2023 (without penalty). All requests for substitutions must be sent by e-mail to the Conference Chair to the e-mail [email protected].

Visa Letters:
For those who require visas for Peru, please request your visa invitation letter by mail [email protected] and make your visa appointment as soon as possible.

Sponsor Of The Event

Education Society
Technical Sponsor

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Academic and Local Sponsor

Contact Us

    Request more information


    Av. Del Pinar 152, Of. 707
    Santiago de Surco, Lima, Perú

    Telephone exchange

    [+51] 01-7153838

    Write to us

    [email protected]

    ICACIT, the accrediting agency specialized in Computing, Engineering, Technology in Engineering, Science and Architecture programs, has 21 years promoting continuous improvement of educational quality in higher education programs, it is the first Latin American agency to signatory of the Washington Accordand a member of the European Network for Accreditation in Engineering Education - ENAEE, accords that bring together the most prestigious engineering accreditation agencies in the world.

    © ICACIT Symposium 2025